A reboot of Vampire Masquerade that uncouples the game from the burden of accumulated lore.
Sessions GM'd: 35
Sessions as Player: 0
321 page PDF. I have run 3 campaigns and only used the core book.
I played Vampire Masquerade way back in first edition. It was edgy and new. Our campaign was set in our home city and it was really a memorable experience. However, there are some aspects of the Masquerade setting that block the kinds of stories you can play in a Vampire game. Requiem fixes so much of that, and I love what they've done with the lore. Some people are heavily invested in the lore of VtM and resisted what Requiem tried to do. I am not one of those. I prefer the game mechanics of Vampire Masquerade v5 over Requiem, but I will still always use Requiem's lore in a new campaign I run.
I'd play this again. I'd find a way to ignore Conditions and just play with everything else as written. I already have some campaign ideas bubbling around in my head.
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